with Chelsea Howard, Founder Drift Employer Brand Consulting

In the “age of employees”, Employer Brand may be more important than ever before. Chelsea Howard, the founder of Drift Employer Brand Consulting, shares what and why organizations should work on their Employee Value Proposition. Chelsea also shares how she has cracked the code to inbound flow on LinkedIn.
Notes from the Show
Chelsea Howard is the founder of Drift Employer Brand Consulting and is making waves in an industry with a lot of noise.
What is an Employer Brand?
Chelsea describes the hallmark purpose of her firm as a brand segmentation strategy, helping organizations uncover meaningful, genuine EVP. Employer Value Proposition is how companies attract talent by relaying: Who they are, What they stand for, and Why someone should come work with them? Positions are no longer simply hiring for money but should be seen as a collaboration, discussion, and fusion of skills for a common goal.
Improving your EVP
Uncovering meaningful EVP and working on Employer Brand means using every opportunity to determine what will work. Take immediate needs and apply creative resourceful solutions to improve employer brand presence. This includes updates and focus on job recruitment, social content, career pages, and more. However for small businesses with less than a handful of people, while employer branding may look different it's not non-existent. Chelsea encourages small businesses to create personal connections with prospective employees or contractors. Utilize LinkedIn posts to create purposeful direction into the organization's needs and purpose to attract organic leads.
The LinkedIn Code
Experts say it can take three years of consistent LinkedIn posting to generate an inbound flow, Chelsea has cracked the code in just under a year. She says it's all about bite-size, digestible, tangible, and specific content. By focusing on what she would want to see in the industry she can provide easy-to-read but helpful and thought-provoking content. Not only does Chelsea post Employer Brand content but about the entire employer/employee experience.
You can find out more about Chelsea Howard via email or LinkedIn and Drift Employer Brand Consulting online.
What's Inside:
What is an Employer Brand?
What is EVP?
Tips for medium and small businesses for talent acquisition.
Tips to grow following and inbound clients on LinkedIn
Mentioned in this Episode:
Transcribed by AI Susan Tatum 0:36
Welcome back, everybody. I'm Susan Tatum. And today my guest is Chelsea Howard, who's the founder of drift, employer brand consulting. And I'm really looking forward to this conversation because employer brand is a term that I think I know what means. But I, I would like to learn more about it. So welcome, Chelsea.
Chelsea Howard 0:59
Thank you so much for having me, Susan, it's really great to be here.
Susan Tatum 1:03
It's great to be talking to you again. And before we dive into all these interesting things that we talked about, not, I want you to tell us what you are, who you are, and what you do. Not that that's not interesting.
Chelsea Howard 1:15
Sure thing, okay, happy to so I, as you said, I founded drift employer brand consulting, and we're coming up on our one year birthday. It doesn't seem like that, it seems like I've been doing this my entire adult life. But that's not the case, I actually found it after about 10 years working in corporate HR strategy functions around employee experience and employer branding. So really, what I tried to do with my clients is to help them uncover really meaningful, genuine, authentic, differentiated employer employee value propositions EVPs. So what that is what we think of it as essentially a framework of ideals that really aligned to your culture and describe your culture and kind of encapsulate it. And it's, it's intended to be a strategic way to inform a consistent employee experience, as well as the external ways that you show up for your talent. So really, the building block of my consulting model is the employee value proposition. And from there, we build the employer brand, which is the creative external articulation of your employee value proposition designed to attract talent to your organization. So that's extremely, extremely high level, there's a ton of work and research and involvement. And, you know, customization that goes into that from client to client, but essentially, that is the framework of my business and what I do for my clients. Another objective, around kind of the drift brand is to establish a an organic community of practice. So on the brand side, I'm also a content creator. And I'm really working with some incredible passionate minds that I've had the opportunity to meet over the past year or so to increase the breadth of knowledge around employer brand employee experience, what it really means taking it down to the tangibles, application to strategy, just all of the things that I wanted to know when I was in a corporate structure, and I really couldn't find that tangible market driven insight on so that's kind of the long and the short of what I've been up to and how I spend my time, I guess,
Susan Tatum 3:35
also, we weren't really talking about employee brand, or even employee anything until the not too distant past. And then I guess it got much even more important or critical with the hiring challenges
Chelsea Howard 3:54
Susan Tatum 3:55
But how does it differ now? So I'm a former marketing person. So how does it work? Besides the obvious that marketing, the marketing side of branding is geared to the outside to the customers, investors, whatever, an employee, the employee brand would be more internal.
Chelsea Howard 4:16
I think that that is a common, a common way to refer to it or think about it, but I think it might be a little bit of a of a misconception, or at least a bit of a misconnection. So for me, employer branding is not necessarily an internal communication strategy or, you know, an internal engagement strategy. It's, it is a brand segmentation strategy. So I think that this is where I come into, you know, this is where a lot of the education happens with my clients. A lot of times as a consultant as an external employer, brand consultant, or even the champion on the team, like the expert on the on the employee experience team internally, you're brought in as kind of a pinch hitter to business tables to really sell the business case of what Employer Branding is and why you need it. And so, typically, how I describe it is the best way that I find I can relate it to something that is understandable I think to different cross functional teams across an organization is essentially a brand segmentation strategy. That is how I see it. So all of the most powerful brands throughout history, evolve and change and transform and align to The shifting landscape of client needs in the economy. So to doesn't employer brand strategy, it is designed to clearly articulate what's different and exciting about your organization in a way that differentiates it in the mindset of your target talent. And to your point, we have seen it evolve incredibly over the past 20 years. You're right, it wasn't really a term that was in use, I think, like 1990, like maybe between 1980 and 1990 is the first time that it was popularized. Simon Barrow, I believe, is the guy that you want to look into. I think he coined it, potentially. Hmm. But really, you know, it's, we're in an era now a post industrial era where it is an employee's market, it's the age of the employee, it's the age of talent, we have an increasingly autonomous gig economy, we have a rise of skilled workers, we have a mass exodus of the baby boomer generation, leaving the workforce that are not being replaced by like commensurate level of skilled employees, there are all of these different economic factors that are contributing to a global labor shortage. So for employers who are looking to recruit passionate purpose aligned skilled talent, everybody else is to so employment branding is a market segmentation strategy that allows you to define who you are, as an employer, what you stand for, you know why somebody would want to come and work for your organization, why they should choose you over any of the dozens of companies that are telling the same story that you are right now. So really, really critical part of marketing your organization, because I think most companies, even if they haven't invested in employer brand, would admit that their people are their greatest asset, and their people are ones who are going to accomplish their business goals. So yeah, that's kind of they kind of got to what some of your questions, might you ask me there
Susan Tatum 7:34
And I realized I, from your answer, that when I said it's internal to the employees, that's, that's only half the story, because retention would certainly be part of it. But you are communicating outwardly with people that you hope to attract as employees.
Chelsea Howard 7:52
Right? And it's, it's a bit of a chicken and an egg, right? Because, you know, at the root of all great marketing, there has to be honesty and authenticity and truth, you know,
Susan Tatum 8:07
Specially today
Chelsea Howard 8:07
Exactly, exactly. It's the age of information. It's the age of the employee, it's the age, it's the age of everything right now, but it is the we are existing in a very information rich society where if you are selling a story that isn't adding up, people are going to find out about it. So to your point in you need to look internally, I believe you need to look internally first. That's why in my model, and my consulting model, I really challenged my clients to go deep into the employee research and employee listening and formulate a strong unifying concept in your EVP in advance of going out with any kind of employer brand messaging to just make sure that you're communicating things that are real and true for your employees and things that are going to resonate, resonate with your target talent. So there is absolutely a dual focus.
Susan Tatum 8:58
So, alright, so the most of our listeners are going to be smaller firms, and some of them are even solopreneurs. But anybody that has employees, and anybody that's working with subcontractors or contractors or whatever, I mean, there's, there has to be something that what what you're talking about is make people want to work with you. Right. So what what advice or tips or things should we be thinking about.. Because we get because we spend, I think most people will spend a lot of time thinking about their brand, their marketing brand, but there's this other side of it as well.
Chelsea Howard 9:44
Yeah, so I think, speaking to anyone who is on the side of, you know, smaller business, you know, you likely you have very similar talent needs to bigger business just on a smaller scale, right. You know, if you're looking if you're looking to grow your company with, you know, hiring one to two people, like the tactics don't differ, you know, where you're hiring 100 people, you're hiring one to two people, you need to differentiate your culture and make, you know, kind of make your case to talent essentially, as to why you would want to come and work for us. So the biggest challenge that I know of within the employer brand community and this is from big organizations to small organizations is a lack of resourcing a lack of sponsorship, a lack of budget, a lack of knowledge and a awareness at executive levels of what Employer Branding is. So typically, in smaller organizations that don't have the headcount or resources to dedicate a team or even a person to employer branding, it ends up being a passionate recruiter or somebody on the marketing team who has an enthusiasm for it, who ends up doing it off the side of their desk. So I actually published a blog on this just the other day, and my biggest tips around getting momentum for your employer brand internally, if you are kind of just at the start, or you're on a smaller team is essentially around creating positive experiences with the employer brand discipline using the resources and tools that you have. So kind of seeing everything, every initiative, every campaign, you know, every employee appreciation day as a as an opportunity to really establish kind of what is going to work for your employer brand and gather data, and anecdotes and insight that you can create a business case and continue to kind of push the employer brand agenda down the line. Like as an example, I've worked with clients who really, you know, there, there wasn't really a lot of comprehension around or investment in the employer brand, space or discipline as a whole. But they knew they needed to get their career site done, or they knew they needed to run recruitment marketing campaign on indeed to attract data scientists or something like that. So you know, taking those kinds of immediate needs, and thinking creatively and finding resourceful creative ways to leverage the tools and resources that you have at your disposal to create essentially a proof of concept or a backdoor pilot, as I like to refer to it for employer brand. Those are some of the best ways that if you are a kind of a solo talent brand, or in your organization, or you're just at the very beginning, you can start to get some traction for, you know, introducing it and building a stronger employer brand presents within your organization, the stakeholder in peace, I find is really, really critical, as well as gathering evidence and, you know, leveraging all of the like every opportunity to that you have to rewrite a draw job description, examine a new recruitment platform, create some social content, it's all an opportunity to advance, you know, the creation of what will essentially be your employer brand.
Susan Tatum 13:07
Well, so let's talk about it from the standpoint of a truly a smaller company, like, maybe they've got two or three employees. What are let's say you were gonna go out and hire some people. I mean, what are the things that we can do? And I'm, you know, I'm always an advocate of, you can't say we're a great place to work. Other people can say that, but you can't say that about yourself. It's the same in marketing, you can I mean, anybody that refers to themselves as a guru or an ex, or, you know, yeah, it's, you know, that just like, really
Chelsea Howard 13:11
doesn't really anymore. Yeah, so you're, like smaller, like, to one to two people, or, you know, you're, you're a solopreneur, and you need to find a great person to work with you for a period of time. To me, and for me, personally, both on the sales side, and the recruitment side, because I do leverage my content strategy to attract both new clients and contractors to work with when when I need them to. It's personal stories, you know, it's it's your experience, it's relating to somebody else on a human level. You know, if you're, you know, a solopreneur, and you're hiring one to two people, chances are, you don't need to develop a career site, and you don't need to develop
Susan Tatum 14:36
Chelsea Howard 14:37
You don't really need to do that. But what you do need to do is connect with people in a way that makes them connect with your purpose, you need to enable people to kind of feel your passion for it through the way that you communicate about what's so great about what you're doing. You know, just as an example, I always find it easier to give examples when we're dealing with something specific. So let's say that I was hiring a data analyst or or something like that. A data person, you know, to do some reporting for me for a client. The way that I would position it is I would create the job posting, I would pick a couple of different platforms, likely LinkedIn would be my primary pick for for that audience. I would do it organically. I would create a post that introduces myself introduces the type of work work that I that I'm looking to do, and the why of it all, you know, not that, like, I need to produce a report for clients, but I need this, I need to help my clients understand, you know, the impact that their culture is having on their employees currently to create, you know, more fulfillment within their employee experience and, and really position it as a very purposeful mission. And then that's where the talent comes in. This is where you can, can help me this is where I need your skills and expertise, because I think most job seekers, especially skilled professionals, now are of the mind that, you know, I know what I'm doing. And I'm not going in here to impress someone, I'm going into, you know, a new opportunity in the mindset that I have a skill set that could help you accomplish your goals, and your your business strategy. And I think that we need to treat it as that we needed to treat even the employer brand and talent attraction process as a collaboration with talent as a dialogue and a discussion not, you know, we're hiring, we're the greatest, come join our team, and we'll pay you money for a set of skills that you have no, it's just people are looking for more now. And if you are, you know, a smaller organization with a small footprint, leverage your personal network, you know, leverage, you know, the the people that you know, in your niche and that you've connected with and you know, create meaningful content based on your experience that shares your purpose. And I would say no, and another thing that I would do probably is to find, like niche groups within LinkedIn. So if I was hiring for a data analyst, or data scientist, I may go to, you know, young professionals in data science and find groups relating to that, you know, if I was looking for someone more entry level, and I would post in those groups, my strategy is very organic. And it's very based around openness, transparency, a real kind of radical candor around you know, why I need your help, and what you can expect from a role that, you know, working with me working with my organization. So to speak
Susan Tatum 17:46
I think that's a great example, Chelsea, and the way that you changed it from just being another job description or post to that I'm hiring somebody brought in the mission. And, yeah, you made it about the client, that you made it about the two of you working together for the client kind of thing.
Chelsea Howard 18:10
Yeah, yeah.
Susan Tatum 18:13
tactical question on that, when you're, and I know, and we're gonna get into this, because I know that you do an absolutely fabulous job on LinkedIn for your business development. If you were doing the employer sort of thing, would you still use your profile, your personal profile? Are you using a company page? Or is it a combination of both?
Chelsea Howard 18:30
I would definitely use, I would post roles and post information through the company page, I would use primarily at this stage in my shoes in my position, I would use my personal brand more, I would say, to cultivate interest and to connect with people. And I would also do a ton of one on one outreach through just messaging people and finding people searching. You know, there's a whole strategy around that too, that I integrate, like the one on one outreach and how to do that, right. Like that's, that's a whole other can of worms around reaching out to people, but I would, and if, you know, I would encourage anyone in my position, who is, you know, a founder or you know, a member of a small organization, use your personal brand, build your personal brand, invest in it, invest in your network. That's where you're gonna get your best hires, and probably your best clients too.
Susan Tatum 19:24
That's really good advice. I like that. So let's, um, let's, let's stick with LinkedIn. Because I know, you and I talked when we met not too long ago. And you were saying that you have been you have been posting on LinkedIn for Are we at a year yet that you've been doing it?
Chelsea Howard 19:48
Yes. September 9, actually, is my one year anniversary.
Susan Tatum 19:53
It's August 12. here so yeah, not not quite a year yet. But you have managed to create an inbound flow of, of prospects, ideal prospects and and people and these prospects are becoming clients for you see very impressive clients. And you're doing it in an industry that there's a lot of, there's a lot of noise out there. So what did you do? How did you do this?
Chelsea Howard 20:23
Well, I tried to create content that I would have wanted to see when I was a leader in an HR strategy function. I find I try to create bite size extremely digestible, very accessible content that has tangible specific guidance that my audience can take today and apply to their strategy and strengthen it. So for me, the idea and the fuel behind my content strategy, and I believe why I have been able to have success in you know, creating a piece of content and posting it and having someone reach out and say, Hey, can I hire you as a consultant? Is because I feel generosity is the most important principle in any consultant, like a consultant type approach to to creating content and advisory type of content theme, which my content is it's, you know, designed to be taken, it's designed and applied to strategy. It's designed to unpack and demystify very, very high level concepts like things like what do we have nowadays, the that I'm thinking of like the broken rung, for instance, you know, things that really impact things, concepts like inclusion and belonging, and you know, just a feeling of engagement at your organization. So the broken rung is a term that's used to describe how oftentimes women get passed over at around at a critical point in their trajectory. Because typically, you know, there's an age range where everyone women leave to have their first children broken wrong, because they miss it. So, so taking
Susan Tatum 22:24
broken wrong, rung,
Chelsea Howard 22:25
rung, or like saying I do a series that's, that's really impactful, that's really, people seem to respond to really well, which is instead of on your career site, instead of this, say this, and it's a literally a one liner that you could go to any dozens of career sites and see like, we foster a culture of inclusion. And I offer in the content, an alternative that's much more human centric, much more conversational, designed to pull people in. So I would say that giving people something that they can really use and do down like a like high level, like strategic concepts are really great to talk about and to introduce into the dialogue, like inclusion, for instance, and diversity and inclusion, like this is a great discipline to to look at as an illustration of how we really need to bring concepts down to a strategic application level, you know, what does it mean to be included? What does it mean to belong? So really, that has been kind of the guiding principle behind the way that I create content. And I believe what draws people in and the feedback that I get, you know, when I do engage in a conversation with somebody who has seen and reacted positively to my content is generally around that, like this has been helpful for me, this is something that I can make use of. And it's that principle that I think that is fairly new to because there's an instinct, I think, especially as an entrepreneur, a capitalist, someone who's trying to compete in in a marketplace for a certain share of voice and a certain audience, there's this impulse to kind of hoard your knowledge and to keep it to yourself. And you know, don't let anybody know your approach or your secrets necessarily. I don't subscribe to that view, I think that when we put more solid market driven insight and knowledge out there, and we create better understanding and stronger, you know, breadth of knowledge around these concepts, it's it's good for everybody. So that's, that's really what guides my content. And I try to I try to theme it around what's very topical, like change resistance is a huge thing that I tackle, authenticity and employer branding. I think I just mentioned that the inclusion and diversity conversation, so I don't just talk about concepts related to employer brand tactics. I like to talk about the entire culture journey and the entire employee experience because it's all hyper relevant.
Susan Tatum 25:00
So I know after we talked before I went and looked at it, I'm like, What is she doing? Because I talked to a lot of people and even the experts, the LinkedIn experts that are doing, you know, with helping their clients with the content strategies and posting, they tell me it's it's like three years before you really get that flow that's coming in and you crack the code. So I'm like, What is she doing? And, and one thing that really stuck out and you refer to it as bite size, and you would have like, two or three sentences. That was that you really got something out of that, that I can put into action, or started me thinking about something. And I think that's that it's easy to read and helpful at the same time is important too
Chelsea Howard 25:49
our comms razor, the simplest explanation is usually true. And I that is what I challenged myself to do. And sometimes, you know, if you go and see I, you know, Instagram is a great place to go drift employer brand on Instagram, because it's like, essentially a repository of all of the content I've created. I just post it there. I sometimes I challenge myself to rewrite it three, four or five times to get it more and more and more and more concise. Because I know and I also know that that is something expressing things in those terms is what's most beneficial when you're presenting something to a stakeholder audience, you know, getting the simplest, most concise explanation is always going to then and relating it to something to a different concept that's more well known, for instance, is always another good way to kind of get your point across and make it understandable, like make it stick in people's minds.
Susan Tatum 26:46
Yeah. So let's talk you you. You said and you mentioned it here, that when you you were doing some one on one outreach, for your business development when you when you first started before you got this flow going?
Chelsea Howard 27:02
Yeah, the flow. Yeah.
Susan Tatum 27:03
So what did what did you learn about what was what's working for you when you're doing one on one outreach? How do you do you mind sharing that?
Chelsea Howard 27:12
Absolutely. No, of course. I like to talk about this because I, I don't know, I know. I like sales, I understand is a whole thing unto itself. It's a whole philosophy. It's a whole ethos and way of life and living. But I am not a sales professional. I have no experience in like a sales function. I just know what I respond to. And I know what I'm selling. And I believe I know what my audience will respond to as well. So I actually I did some self education. I watched Daniel Pink's masterclass on persuasion, which is excellent, I find it just his approach is very ethical, very much about have finding common ground, helping to solve problems, framing things in ways that people will understand and relate to. One of the the coolest tricks that I learned from from his masterclass was, you know, you're having a conversation and you're with a stakeholder or a client, and, you know, they're saying, I'm just not ready for employer branding. I just don't think that we're ready yet. I mean, and you've, you've gone down the line with them, and you're trying to get them to a place where they agree that they're ready to invest. And so a potential way to neutralize some of their objections is to ask them, you know, so can you like, tell me on a scale of one to 10? how ready you think you are? And if they say zero, it's conversation over, but generally, they won't say zero? Generally, they'll say, three or two or something like that. You say, Okay, that's interesting. So why didn't you say zero? Why not zero? What are the things that make it a two? And they'll start being like, well, you know, we have, we have this framework. We did do our EVP we have some good champions on board, and they'll start listing the reasons that they are ready. And maybe it's not, it doesn't get you to the full Greenlight, but at least it gets them more in the mindset where they're now convincing themselves that they're ready.
Susan Tatum 29:16
Yeah. And they're pulling the emotion up of things. Yeah,
Chelsea Howard 29:18
yeah. Yeah. So that's not really prevalent, revelant relevant to the to the outreach piece, but it's just an interesting thing that I thought I'd share. So my sales strategy is really around if you want to, if you want to have a conversation, that's fantastic. If you are not interested, or you're not ready, here's a link to the blog. Here's the link to all the resources get in touch when you are, I if if I reach out to somebody, and they accept my connection, I send them a message inviting them to connect with me giving them a quick explainer of who I am and what I do. And directing them to my Calendly page. If I don't hear back from them, I do not follow up with them. Yeah, maybe six months down the line. If I published an interesting white paper, I may send it to them. But if I don't hear back from somebody after an initial outreach, I do not keep following up with them. And this is not common. This my approach is not a common one on LinkedIn, from what I can gather, by the way that I'm targeted by sales. My approach is non aggressive. It's about sharing ideas. And sometimes I will have six months worth of sounding board conversations and you know, meetings just to talk Talk about ideas and give advice before I get into an agreement with a client, is that a scalable approach for me? Probably not. But it's what has allowed me to form the relationships that I have and, you know, build my business at a rate and a pace that I'm comfortable with. So I would say I do an initial outreach, a connection request, I also have a couple of prospecting tools that I leverage on other platforms. But I do an initial very passive outreach, introducing myself, if I get an accepted connection request, I follow up with a more robust message. And then we take it from there, if they respond to that we have a conversation. If we don't, then we don't?
Susan Tatum 31:18
Well, I think what you were talking about with having conversations that are not necessarily sales conversations, you're sharing ideas, in what I have learned, and and, and this is what I do for clients is that's critical. If you, if you're going after somebody with a sales pitch, you're going to miss 95% of the people that could be great clients for you, because they're not ready, and they're not going to respond to it. And your what you're doing is giving the relationship an opportunity to evolve, or develop or whatever the proper word is.
Chelsea Howard 31:58
Yeah. And I think it this is, it's a unique thing to you know, I am in a unique position, in that I have a small book of clients, and it's an emerging discipline. So I have the opportunity to build and form those relationships. But you're absolutely right. It they aren't sales calls, they aren't sales messages, they're something else. They're, you know, an offer of support an offer for a conversation that may turn into a partnership down the line.
Susan Tatum 32:27
Yeah, yeah. I think that's, that's what I do and success. I don't like to work with professional salespeople, because they're under so much pressure to make something happen. And I think in the consulting business, where you're selling something that's high trust, high risk, if it goes wrong, high ticket, you can't rush that.
Chelsea Howard 32:52
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And, you know, I understand the trepidation to invest in something like this, I understand the pressure that, you know, my potential clients are under on the other side. So, the first step is to make sure that we have chemistry and make sure we can be comfortable working together. Because a lot of times, you know, this, this work can be very challenging to do and to get across the line. So if we're engaging in, you know, any kind of a long term partnership to do this work to define an employee proposition or create an employer brand, you know, it has to be 100%, something that they are on board with, they're feeling passionate about themselves. And they were comfortable with me and my approach to so we really take time to figure that out at the at the front end.
Susan Tatum 33:41
I think that's one of the things that is a critical part of who your ideal clients are, and partners is, do you share the mission? Are they fun to work with? I mean, I am too old to work.
Chelsea Howard 33:56
I hear you and I agree, I think that it's it's good for everybody involved. And, you know, no hard feelings if it's if it's not a match, but I have had opportunities over the course of this year where, you know, after the initial couple of calls, I could just tell that there wasn't the belief that this is an important, you know, thing to invest in, I got the sense that, you know, there are big roadblocks potentially ahead of us in getting green lights. There's resistance where there shouldn't be resistance at this stage. So I had to say, you know, I think you need to do XYZ before you engage a consultant. And I believe when I do that, I'm acting in both of our best interests.
Susan Tatum 34:45
Yeah, absolutely. And you're helping you're building trust with that, too.
Chelsea Howard 34:49
Yeah. Yeah, I believe so.
Susan Tatum 34:52
Cool. Well, I um, we didn't get to half the things that I had on my list of things that I want to talk to you about. But all of this has been great. And I think very, very helpful. So thank you. And for the folks that I highly recommend that everybody listening follow you on LinkedIn and look at what you're just how you're how you're, you're doing this. I think it's great. So tell us where to find you how to get to you.
Chelsea Howard 35:51
Sure, absolutely. So, www.driftemployerbrand.com is the website that's you can find the blog, the resource hub, all the links to social it's drift employer brand on Twitter and Instagram drift, community drift employer brand community on LinkedIn. You can also just find that through my profile and excitingly I have just launched TikTok. As of this past week, we're taking a bite sized content video, so I'm excited about it. I'm getting a few followers already. I'm doing my little 3 second videos.
Susan Tatum 35:58
Did you post one of those on LinkedIn? I think I saw one
Chelsea Howard 36:02
I did. Yeah. I'm enjoying doing it. I was a tiktok resistor for a little while but now that I'm in it, I'm actually really enjoying it as a medium.
Susan Tatum 36:13
Oh, that's cool. Well, okay, thank you. Thank you very much
Chelsea Howard 36:18
Thank you for having me.
Susan Tatum 36:20
Have a great day.
Chelsea Howard 36:21
You too, Susan.