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The “Language” of Networking

Writer's picture: Susan TatumSusan Tatum

Mida Pezeshkian has an extensive list of accomplishments across several vertical industries, and she is the founder of STEMA_cg, a consulting firm. Mida sees networking as an important value of meeting new people for a reason. She shares how she uses her many “languages” across her fields to network across diverse industries.

Notes from the Show

The founder of STEMA_cg, Mida Pezeshkian, has an impressive and extensive career history in the fields of healthcare, biotech, life sciences, and digital health sciences. Her incredible accomplishments aside, today we are discussing networking.

Mida sees networking as an opportunity to meet new people, learn what’s working, and create value. This strategy is better than ‘Blast Marketing’ to a bunch of random people; you haven’t had those important, valuable conversations, so that leaves the question, what do you even blast? This relationship oriented approach builds trust, fosters learning, and promotes mutually beneficial value.

Because Mida’s expertise spans specific subject matter industries, she networks across these industries, speaking what she refers to as ‘different languages’. She creates value across these networks by positioning these relationships beyond a sale and more for long term value. She is also able to see relative patterns across industries and learn from them.

Who is your customer? Do you know the market? Etc… The questions are mostly the same. It’s the steps to the answers that might be a little bit different, but by networking across industries, you’re adding the potential for more value and more relationships.

Mida uses SubStack, a newsletter service, to push out relevant content and expand her network. You can find her at The Lab. You can also reach Mida Pezeshkian on LinkedIn or via email.

What's Inside:

  • Networking versus Blast Marketing

  • The value of meeting new people beyond a sale.

  • The language of networking.

  • How to navigate networking across industries.

  • Using content tools to expand your network.

Mentioned in this Episode:

Transcribed by AI Susan Tatum 0:36

Hi, everybody, welcome back to Stop the Noise. Today I'm very excited to have joining me a very smart woman Mida Pezeshkian. Mida is a former scientist and innovation slash product development expert in the life sciences in digital health industries. And she is now running her own consulting business that she started not too long ago. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry, a PhD in Biological and Biomedical scientists and postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan Medical School. She is a board member and advisor to a Yuda health, the Center for smart health at Florida Atlantic University and Oakland University bio engineering Advisory Board, I'm not done yet. She has a 13 year corporate career in the medical healthcare and biosciences industry, as a chemist, a scientist, a chief innovation officer a head of product, a Senior Director of Strategy and commercialization. In April of 2021, she founded stemma CG, which is an advisory and consulting firm that specializes in strategy go to market product innovation, and commercialization in life sciences and healthcare. And we're not going to talk about any of those things today, except the running a consulting firm part of it. Welcome Mida.

Mida Pezeshkian 1:57

Thank you so much happy to be here.

Susan Tatum 1:59

It's great to have you here. So we met through some research that I'm doing on the unique client acquisition opportunities that consultants with really deep subject matter expertise are having are facing sometimes those those opportunities are disguised as problems. And sometimes they are opportunities themselves. And when you and I were talking before, I realized that you do a lot of networking, you put a lot of emphasis on networking, for establishing your client base and building your business. How did that come about? Why networking?

Mida Pezeshkian 2:36

Well, so I would say, you know, and I'm sure we can talk about this a little bit as well, I was never, you know, the best networker, but when I started my consulting firm, you know, when you really think about it, and I did do a little bit of testing the traditional marketing channels and methodologies that you would use for a product company, whether it's software or a, you know, product that you're manufacturing somewhere, those don't necessarily apply in consulting, because you know, you could be doing Google ad campaigns, you could be doing, you know, email blasting. However, in a consulting business, at least, what I found is that when someone makes an investment in, you know, doing a project with you, or bringing you on as an advisor, they're making that investment in you and in your talent and a quick ad campaign or email blast, unless it's actually you know, has real content, real information that you're transferring to them, it may not resonate, because it's just not, you know, the most transferable way, at least the way I've found it to be. So networking is helpful, because you get an opportunity to meet people, to talk about what's working for them, what's not working for them, where you could create value, and then potentially these conversations will be going on for some time. But it's a better way, in my opinion, an experience than if you were to just, you know, blast them with traditional marketing.

Susan Tatum 4:05

I couldn't agree with you more with that and I think that's especially important when you're starting off because you don't know what to blast them with, even if you had the budget to do that. And the time to wait for that to take effect. If you you skip the part about having conversations, you don't really know what your market wants, you're just just sort of guessing. So your career path that you've taken so far, puts you in different industries, you've you've had several different vertical industries that you have worked within companies in those industries, that one industry at a time. And so the way you described it to me you had kind of built your network was almost siloed the same way that your career had been?

Mida Pezeshkian 4:52

Yes. And you know, this was an interesting observation when I actually figured it out myself because when I started you know thinking about, okay, the different organizations or people in my network that I was, you know, seeking about reaching out to and became very obvious to me that I've met a lot of very interesting people along the way. But they haven't always been working in the same area. And what I and I think I'm a bit of an outlier, do not, you know, I think there's many people and more and more people are becoming sort of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary people. But generally, when I look at my network, there's the folks from genomics and sequencing that I've met along the way, then there's the CLIA Diagnostic Laboratory folks. And then there's the healthcare and, you know, people that I've connected with over time, whether I've worked with or, or met at conferences, so they don't always work in the same exact area. But the interesting and, you know, thing, in my experience, at least, is that I can play in those areas so far, if anything, I think of it as you know, when they say you learn, the more languages, you know, the more friends you have, this is sort of, for me, it's I know three languages now, and I have more friends, because of it

Susan Tatum 6:06

is the languages is really interesting, because I am somewhat jealous of people that can speak a lot of languages. Because I figure, you know, I wasn't exposed to it younger. And I always just feel like there's so much, I would love to be able to just walk in somewhere and speak another language and be fluent in it,

Mida Pezeshkian 6:24

I really would like to pick up French and, you know, I need to make a little bit more effort, because I've said that before, and I haven't made good progress on it yet. But I think next one for me will be French.

Susan Tatum 6:35

Good luck with that. So one question that I jotted down that doesn't really have anything to do with networking. But you were talking about these different, these different verticals? These different, quote, languages that you speak? Are you with your consulting, solving the same problems for them or the same challenges for them, regardless of the industries that they're in?

Mida Pezeshkian 6:58

In many ways? Yes. Because, and this sort of goes to this concept of frameworks and, and how you would rate a product as a consultant. But yes, in a sense that a lot of times, you know, I work in go to market, commercialization products, side of things. So launching a product or deciding you know, how to go to market with it, has a certain frame that you would, you know, work within, to be able to, to create that sort of concept or plan for your client, but the nuances are different. So the healthcare industry is a completely different beast, if you will, compared to, let's say, early stage biotech organizations that are creating IP. So it's different, but you know, there's a lot of different, you know, things that you would have to consider as a consultant. But in, in, in a lot of ways, they are very similar and, you know, have the same sort of path and approach. So, hope that answers the question.

Susan Tatum 7:57

Well, it does, because I mean, and you hit upon some, some, I think, ideas that we should talk about a little bit, or make sure that our listeners are, are catching on to because you and we did talk before about the importance of having a framework when you're providing these consulting services, and both so that you're not reinventing the wheel every time you do something, and also, to help differentiate yourself from other options that your buyers might have.

Mida Pezeshkian 8:25

Yes, I would, I would agree. And I think that, you know, what, what's even just for a consultant for myself, you know, what, what has been important is really think about what do I believe in? What's my approach? How do I, how have I done this well, where had I, you know, learned lessons that I can, you know, apply for my future work. So having that, you know, exercise of going through those thought processes, and figuring out what my framework is, is actually very important for me to develop my, my approach to how I would do my consulting work. But also, it's very important, because it's a way that you can communicate to your client, what you're going to be bringing to the table for them.

Susan Tatum 9:09

So then this is becomes necessary, because, well, in terms of client acquisition, it's because we're selling ourselves and we're selling a service. And we're basically selling air, as opposed to a product that someone can test drive, if you will, or hold in their hands or something like that. I think that's a really important point. So would it be fair to say you, you have a framework that represents how you approach, let's say, go to market, or product development, but you're tweaking things within that framework, depending upon which of your verticals you're working in, where they are along the path of what it is that they're trying to accomplish? Are they early stage have they been around that sort of thing? And I think that's something that we all do, but we have but but how do you feel about when you're talking with your prospects? Do they want somebody that specializes in their industry?

Mida Pezeshkian 10:05

Yes. And I think that, you know, you need to be able to understand the market and the industry if you're going to be solving a problem for a client, and that knowledge of the industry now, not, you know, you don't necessarily need to be a medical doctor, if you work with a hospital system. Right, but you have a solid understanding of how the healthcare industry is set up, what are the challenges of an healthcare system? And you know, and sort of be very clear about what you know, and what can you can do for that client. So you would need to know the space, but I've worked in multiple spaces, if you will. So I got to see a lot more repetitive things that happen on in different industries that you might not see the connection with. But when you spent a little bit of time, and in each of them, you get to connect the dots. But yes, I think it's important to know what market you're working in, whether it's a consultant, or if you're a full time person.

Susan Tatum 11:10

Good point. So, so to go back to the metaphor of languages, though, probably the words that people use, and each of those industries are a bit different.

Mida Pezeshkian 11:22


Susan Tatum 11:23

Although it just the way the way that decisions are made, the way that they speak about their issues, the way I mean, you and the industry you work in, you've got a lot of regulation, which is different from industry to industry, but the sheer fact that you know how to deal with a regulated industry is applicable across the board, you just have to tweak it for what who you're talking to, right?

Mida Pezeshkian 11:45

Yes, and I think that, you know, there are certain approach as like, for example, in in context of planning a go to market, but you know, strategy and and steps for an organization, that's a biotech company, building a kit, you know, of certain reagents for a certain application is very different than how a healthcare digital, you know, SAS model would be done. So those are different, but you still need to understand the market, you still need to know the competitors, who is the customer building, that that journey of how does that customer, you know, can be acquired? And what did they need for them to be successful? All of those steps are the same, but how you go about it? And what sort of models you would use of, you know, commercialization would be slightly different.

Susan Tatum 12:37

So when you started consulting, did you already have frameworks that you had developed when you were an employee?

Mida Pezeshkian 12:46

Yes, a lot of them in my head, because a lot of them were, you know, sort of going through the experience of doing them in different industries and in different product types over the years. So I had to go back and really think about, what do I know? And how do I put it to paper. So that was, you know, and I got a good, I would say, suggestion from someone who I respect in the, you know, in the consulting field, and he told me, he's like, You really need to sit down and build a product out of everything that you know. And, you know, that process is also very helpful, as I mentioned earlier to me, because I needed to figure out what I know and what I can do for someone. Because when you're a full time employee, your life is sort of fluid, the things you do is fluid, because you have you know, a project that you're a product, you're launching over the next like two quarters, and you're just you know, every day you're going about it, but and of course you need to have a plan. But if you're a consultant, it's a finite engagement for a customer. And of course, you're hoping to later on, you know, maybe revisit for another project. So you really need to make sure that you know what you're offering to them, because they would like to know to write, you know, they want to know what they're paying for essentially ahead of time.

Susan Tatum 14:07

Sure. So What process did you follow to get stuff out of your head and onto paper or something that work? Is it something that you actually show to a prospect when you're taught when you get to that point in the conversation so that they want to see what the process is?

Mida Pezeshkian 14:23

Yes. So I would say, you know, I write a proposal for my clients, whether they want it or not, I think it's a good idea to write one, because it kind of, you know, puts together essentially a scope of what the engagement would be, what are we trying to accomplish? And then usually I would have, you know, whether it's an DACA systematic or if it's just a few bullets of what I'm going to be producing for them, and sort of the strategy of and the steps to how to get there but from myself, I did a lot of it honestly. And Miro it's an interesting software solution where you could just kind of IBA 10 And you know, It's kind of like a smarter PowerPoint, if you will. So you could just build your, your thoughts and sort of a visual Mind Map, if you will. But also just writing in your notebook, you know, in your phone, whatever it is, sometimes I have an idea because I'm talking to someone and I realize, Wow, this was an interesting thing, I need to go back and think about this. So it's a lot of you know, it's just just like I would say, writing, you know, you just it just, you just need to keep working on it.

Susan Tatum 15:27

Yeah. All right. So let me let me steer us back around to the networking, which, which I got us off. So one of the first things that you did was to go back and reengage the existing networks that you had that had sort of gone cold, if you will, well, as you moved industries, why much you do that?

Mida Pezeshkian 15:47

A lot of the, you know, the former colleagues or managers, leaders that I went back to, these are people that I worked very closely with, we have, I would say, a friendship or, or, you know, understanding that goes beyond how often you sort of check in because I was, you know, I expected this, but it was also very sweet that, you know, a lot of times I would jump on a zoom with someone that I haven't talked to in a couple of years, and we would just start from the top of what has changed in our lives, what you know, we've been working on what's interesting and, and sort of really re reconnect the type of conversations we were having. So it's been nice, because, you know, I've been doing off my own thing, and they've been busy with theirs. But it was nice to sort of an end, the pandemic didn't help either, right, everyone sort of went in a different mode of thinking for a bit. But everyone's just sort of coming back and getting reacquainted acquainted with their old ways of connecting with people. And so it was really easy and really nice, I would say, essentially, my experience of going back to the folks that I known for many years.

Susan Tatum 16:55

And so would you say that that was a comfortable sort of place to start? Because it was people that you knew?

Mida Pezeshkian 17:01

Definitely yes. And I think that you know, what I noticed, actually, in several of our conversations, but since you know, the projects that I've picked up through my network, they know what I do, they understand that my style of working the way that I can, you know, drive success, and the type of you know, output that I that I've done in the past. So it's even less of a selling is more of a hey, you know, you're working on this, maybe I can help you or they've come to me, Hey, sounds like you're consulting now. Maybe you can help us with this. So it's, it's more just kind of building on the foundation of previous collaboration and them knowing what I can create for them.

Susan Tatum 17:48

Yeah. Did you? Or have you gotten to the point where you want to be reaching out to people that you don't know?

Mida Pezeshkian 17:56

Oh, yes, absolutely. And I do that all the time.

Susan Tatum 17:59

So talk about that a bit.

Mida Pezeshkian 18:02

Yes. So I, you know, reached out I have a sort of a way of of doing this. And what I think is really important is creating value for whoever I'm talking to whether it's networking, whether it's just pure networking, or meeting someone for an interesting, common ground or something that we're both working on. Or if I think that I could potentially help them as a consultant, whether it's now or later, I think it's important to go from a place of creating value for them. So networking shouldn't just be this disingenuous sort of, I want to meet a bunch of people so I can get stops, it needs to be I want to make, you know, these lasting connections, which would require me to put in my effort, and hopefully for them to put in their effort and for us to continue our conversations, but coming from a place of how can they help? How can I help them, whether it's was a case study of Don, in their field, whether it's some sort of an analysis that I think would be helpful to what they're doing or tidbit of information? Whatever it is, I think I think about what when I'm making these connections with new people, what can I bring to the table for them, that would be interesting to them, and would be helpful.

Susan Tatum 19:18

And I assume you do this individual by individual?

Mida Pezeshkian 19:21

I do. And I think that that kind of goes to the earlier topic of the the marketing approach for a consultant, it's very different than sort of a mass model that you could do in many different industries. And I've done them myself, but I think it's important to make an individual connection and nurture those connections over time. And people have been extremely generous with me, where, you know, I've met someone and the very first thing they say is, hey, I think I know a couple of other people that could be interesting for you to meet and they're just so generous and helpful because they recognize whether they're at a company or they're consulting, you know, Somewhere themselves, they see the value of meeting new people, and they'd love to facilitate, facilitate that. But that only is God when you can create value for them where, you know, they are, they are not sort of feel feeling or actually just being used for a connection, if you will,

Susan Tatum 20:20

Right. Or, you know, the way that I that I phrase, what you're saying is that, there's got to be a good reason for them to talk to you.

Mida Pezeshkian 20:32

Absolutely, yeah.

Susan Tatum 20:33

And it's not about your product and services, it's, you know, it's something that's going to help them, you know, unless there is the two to 5% of people out there that their hair is on fire, and they need what you have right now, but it's a very, very small number. And I think what you're saying is so important about approaching it as if I am building a relationship, not, I'm going for the sale,

Mida Pezeshkian 20:55

yes, and, you know, no one wants to be sold, right? It doesn't matter now. And I've done sales in my weather in my professional career, because I was a product person, a lot of times as a product manager, I had revenue, you know, expectation. So a lot of times I would be negotiating, you know, bigger deals, or I would be going to our customers and trying to, you know, sell a product that we're coming out with in the market with. And also I've done sales, cosmetic sales and jewelry sales when I was doing my undergrad work. So I'm not, you know, I am familiar, too, with the process of sales. But I think it's important as a consultant to come from a place of value creation, and not just hard sort of selling.

Susan Tatum 21:41

so when meeting an order to man, I mean, we ear, it sounds like you're putting a good deal of work in advance into each person that you want to talk to.

Mida Pezeshkian 21:51

Yes. And I, you know, I tried to make sure that I get a good understanding of who they are, what's important to them, what type of problems are they solving at their companies. And I would say, you know, I think practically any of us at this point who has a LinkedIn account, we get a lot of these sort of cold messages, like I have a franchise opportunity for you Well, I don't know anything about franchising, and I'm like, you know, if I wanted to invest my dollars, I'll put it in an index fund or should on behalf you know, so I think it's important not to spam people, when there isn't really anything you can do for them. If it's not a clear line of sight of what I can do as a consultant for them. It might be, hey, I'm just reaching out because I know I really am interested in the type of work that you're doing, or hey we both work in the digital health space would be great to chat. But before that, you know, there needs to be some sort of a connection and reason why I'm reaching out. And I think that it's on me to make put in that effort to fully understand why I'm going on a call with someone you know, who are these people that that you know, so I'm not wasting their time, they're not wasting my time. But then there's a plenty of number of I would say steps between meeting someone to getting a sale. So you don't want to go in there just with them just talked about pitching all the time either I don't know what you can provide to them if there would be interested.

Susan Tatum 23:21

So to get a little bit more tactical with you, because I think these are questions that I often get of balancing the time that a single individual has to go and get new business. And then you have to do the work when you do get new business at this point. So how do you balance your time?

Mida Pezeshkian 23:43

Yeah, so I would say it sort of depends. If I'm in between projects, of course, I would have a lot more time to dedicate to business development or you know, networking, but I find that, you know, to be important to at least but you know 10 or 20% time a day, just thinking about different avenues of business development, different people going to conferences or things like that or just you know, identifying like sometimes I see a, you know, someone posting on on LinkedIn, a press release about some company that just got funding or whatever, and I just sort of click in and start to educate myself on like, what is that situation and then maybe identify two or three people that would be interesting to chat with and I would you know, reach out to them so it doesn't you don't know I'm not sitting behind my computer doing business development in sort of a very classical sense, if you will, but I just I you know, keep up with it as I go every day.

Susan Tatum 24:45

Whether you have some discipline that you make the time to do that every day.

Mida Pezeshkian 24:51

Yes, because you know, if you're making you know, especially in consulting but in sales in general, depending on what you're selling, of course, the sales cycle is is a pretty big determinant of how successful you can be, right? If, if your sales cycle is very long, you need to have a very big funnel, right? So that they start to hit at some point because to me, it's just numbers. It's a, it's a numbers game, at the end of the day. And you know, when you think about, you know, what should the size of your funnel be, when you have a long sales cycle, it needs to be big, and it needs to be nurtured, and you need to continue at, you know, working at it. But that's why I think, you know, you just need to work on it that everyday, you need to work on it every day, you need to work on everything. Especially as a consultant

Susan Tatum 25:39

Yeah, that would not make a good pillow with it. Or at least you're trying to drive yourself nuts. You know, I think we're, you're talking about the size of the funnel, and I think we or I see consultants make a mistake or go off the rails a little bit. And it's not their fault. But they, they go for numbers, such big numbers, they're going after quantity instead of quality. And, and the the software, the automation applications, the software firms, all of those people have been preaching you, we can do this while you sleep. And you can send out 1000s of this and hundreds of that. And the reality is that for most consultants, you don't need to be reaching out to that many people. And if you take the time, like you're doing to look at them as individuals and see what is the the need, that I might be able to help them with, and you approach them as a human being, it's just a much better relationship, and you're not spending your time with people that will never be good clients for you.

Mida Pezeshkian 26:52

Absolutely, I think that at the end of the day, what's most important, at least for me, and what I'm seeing is that building genuine relationships, because they're genuine, long term relationships. And that's, that's why that quality is very important. Because for them to, you know, six months from now find perhaps an opportunity where I could be helpful, I should have made a lasting impact on them, and a pleasant experience that they've had with me, we're not connected to a sale where they can think about that and say, oh, yeah, I think you know, Mida should be able to help us with that maybe maybe she has an idea of how to do this. And then they can reach out to me and we can have a conversation. So I think that's why the quality, and the value is very important when building these type of relationships, because you may not be needed at this time. But you may be needed down the road, even a year from now, even though you know, I've actually connected now with former colleague that I haven't worked with for four years. But you know, as soon as we connected, they thought of me and, you know, reached out or now that they see I'm a consultant they reached out. So you don't need to be in people's faces every day. That's why that quantity is not important. But the quality is important so that they could remember you when they need something.

Susan Tatum 28:13

Yeah, and what you said about that, you want people to think kindly of you have the time that they spent with you, and that it was valuable and enjoyable for them.

Mida Pezeshkian 28:25


Susan Tatum 28:26

So what are you doing? We you know, when we talked to before, one of the things that you mentioned was that you kind of you didn't use the word epiphany, but you had not before you became a consultant, you didn't think so much about the need to write your knowledge down and to share it with other people. And then you realize when you became a consultant that you did have a lot to share, and it should be shared. And I think you've just talked about some of the places where you would share it in trying to help these other folks with what you know. So what are you doing now to try to do that?

Mida Pezeshkian 29:01

Sure. Yeah, so I think this is connected to a couple of things. One, going back to the importance of building frameworks, these, you know, the writing opportunities or the times that I've sat and sort of thought about what is my philosophy and framework on these things that was helpful for me first to really get it in a solid place for when I have these conversations and or when I get projects, but also it became an opportunity for me to share what I think as a you know, and what I see as a way of doing any of these things. So that's a little bit of you know, thought leadership knowledge sharing that I think is has been actually extremely fun for me even though I really never, never not only didn't think about it, I always thought that you know what, why should I be writing there's all this content out there, you know, what am I having to say if you will, but the other thing is actually goes back to the concept of properly marketing for consultant, that level of information or you know, thought leadership that's out there can serve as a marketing opportunity, whether it's a active marketing where I would be reaching out to someone and point them to an article I've written or a case study I've done or if it's just out there in the universe and someone, you know, Google's that and comes across as and sees, okay, this might be interesting for me to, to, to think about or even to reach out to meet up to talk to her about it.

Susan Tatum 30:27

So where do you put your content? Is it are you using LinkedIn for that, or your website or

Mida Pezeshkian 30:35

that so I haven't website and on my website, I have a link essentially, or a page that's, that's connected to substack. So I started a substack account, it's pretty interesting. I really like the way that it's set up. So it's basically just a blog for me and I write, I'd probably on a monthly basis, because I you know, it takes me a little bit to think about the topics, a lot of times I get inspired by a conversation or something I see somewhere, or a project I'm working on, but substack is probably my main avenue of thought leadership, but also setting up, you know, workshops and, and ways of, you know, communicating by, you know, a bigger group, if you will, or speaking at a conference, something like that. Even speaking with you.

Susan Tatum 31:28

That's true. substack that do a lot of people do newsletters through that, don't they?

Mida Pezeshkian 31:32

Yes, that's what I that's what I do. So I have, you know, I guess a following, if you will, of people who have subscribed and they will receive my newsletter, and which could be nice. Actually, maybe I'll put a plug for myself. If you guys are interested. Check it out

Susan Tatum 31:51

What sorry, say that again? Because I think I spoke over you.

Mida Pezeshkian 31:56


Susan Tatum 31:57

the lab?

Mida Pezeshkian 31:58

Yeah, since you know, I'm a former scientist. I gotta keep putting in a science.

Susan Tatum 32:04

No, it's great. Okay. Well, you know what, I think we I, there's lots of other things that we can talk about that I'd love to go into, but we are up against the end of our time. So we've got your substack how else can people get in touch with you to follow up

Mida Pezeshkian 32:15

and we'll find me on LinkedIn Mida Pezeshkian or send me an email at Mida at stemma So it's M I D A at

Susan Tatum 32:29

And we'll put that in the show notes and your last name is for those that are not writing this down P are not looking at us P E Z E S H K I A N. Thank you so much for being here. This has been very helpful and I'm sure the listeners are going to find a lot of good stuff from it.

Mida Pezeshkian 32:47

Thank you. I really enjoyed it as well. Thank you for sitting down with me.



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